Sunday, October 10, 2010

A limb, and me out on it.

Well folks, sometimes life gets hard.

Here is something I wrote when life did that, once upon a time.

It helped me then and it still does.  It might be good for other people too.

As the branch creaks ominously under my weight, I realize this post might lose some people, but I hope not.

So, here's to variety.

he found his soul in forgiveness:
he forgave all those who caused him to hurt
the weather and then the earth
for their extremities
then his family
for the cracks in their mortar
his own body as it pained while moving
or lying still
and then most importantly
stunning himself
he forgave his own mind
for its failures of memory and coherence
and at that he realized
he was not any of these things
yet he loved them all

Short stories coming soon.

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