Death Star basketball, inflatable throne, and a few dozen other rejected Star Wars merchandise ideas.
*Buy Star Wars Galaxy sketch cards at eBay.
I'm Coyote Peterson, when braving the wilderness I go up against unforgiving environments and the deadliest of animals. To survive it all, there's one thing I don't dare venture off trail without: Survival Straps. Made with 550 military spec paracord, all you habe to do is unravel it and you're ready to go. Wether you're wrangling a prehistoric size turtle or snaring the bone crushing jaws of an alligator, survival straps help me tak eon nature's worthy nightmares. Wear It, Unravel It, Survive It. Don't brave the wilderness without survival straps.The strap apparently has a starring role in the brilliantly-titled Steve Austin flick Hunt to Kill:
Finally completed! A set of five miniature wind-up characters from yet another cancelled HBO series, "The Wire". They're each about 2.5 inches tall, and have weird proportions due to the small motors they contain. From Left to right: Jimmy McNulty, Bunk Moreland, Bubbles, Omar Little, and Kima Greggs.He previously made Deadwood and Joan Holloway bobbleheads.
The world of MARA is a war-and-fitness obsessed future, where the angst and insecurity of average citizens is compensated with an extreme focus on sports and battle. Mara Prince is a superbly gifted athlete, playing in a women's volleyball league, and is as famous as you can imagine, with endless endorsements, comped everything, and millions of screaming teenage fans. Until one day...Seems like there should be a Red Bull sponsorship in there somewhere.
Available only at their Harvard Square location, Ben & Jerry's is selling a limited edition "Taste The Linsanity" flavor, which includes delicious little crumbles of fortune cookie. This, despite the Asian American Journalists Association's clear warning that there's no "compelling reason to draw a connection between Lin and fortune cookies, takeout boxes or similar imagery."Update: They've removed the fortune cookie bits.
Also, "Taste The Lin-Sanity" features lychee, which is a fruit native to Southeast Asia, which is not the part of Asia that Jeremy Lin comes from. (The part of Asia that Jeremy Lin comes from is Northern California.)