Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Minecraft Soundtrack

*Bzzzz* goes the buzzsaw of time, slicing possible into actual and a whole lot of not.

The Minecraft Soundtrack Project has morphed! I'm now collecting tracks into a 10-track album. This is a project with limited time and resources (my own), so it will take a while. I've got 3 songs so far. Want to listen?

You can download the tracks right now for free to do whatever you want with. They are experimentations of mine and I do not hold them out as art that anyone should pay for. Have fun listening!

But, how do you put music into the game?

It's a bunch of jibber-jabber, I promise, and only half-worth it for this file.   Instead, you can play the file using winamp, WMP, or whatever you use for playing music.  If you still want to drop it into Minecraft, here's the short tutorial:

1.  Find your minecraft directory (see the start of this thread)
2.  In the "resources" directory you will find all the sounds from minecraft.
3.  Convert them to "ogg vorbis" format and replace them with the sounds you like.

Bored Yet?

How about a giant Minecraft avatar to smack against your retinas!


Still with me?  Cool.

A small update on my own little Minecraft projects:  I've made some headway with the sculpture.  I've uncovered enough to carve the head, and realize I need more room.  I don't want my dude to end up looking like this dude:

"W T F"

Here's what I've got so far, from a couple angles:

Looking down from the entrance toward the statue
Looking from the statue toward the entrance.

I've got a long way to go, but my method is to spend around the same time the soundtrack takes to play (45 minutes) each day.  It's gone well so far, as I have over 34,000 bricks of various types stashed in storage, from this dig alone.

On a related note, PC Gamer released this playful jest of a cover recently.  The Minecraft mob lit their torches and demanded it become reality.  Soon?  Perhaps.

Thanks for reading!

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