"Boa tarde, meu nome é Bianca tenho 22 anos e estava pesquisando na Internet alguns desenhos e valores de tattoo no pé, pois tenho interesse em fazer uma, vi num site uma tatoo e gostaria de saber em média quanto custaria uma tatuagem nesse estilo."
Bianca: brpaula21@yahoo.com.br
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Orçamento, tattoo de coração no genital
"Estou querendo fazer uma destas três tatuagens, gostaria de saber se vocês fazem e por quanto fariam. Cerca de dois anos atrás, eu iria fazer, mas desanimei quando aumentaram o preço exponencialmente quando falei que queria e ainda quero no genital.
Gostaria de saber se vocês fazem e por quanto fica essa tatuagem no genital. Obrigado, aguardo retorno imediato, antes que eu perca a coragem de fazer novamente."
Denson: deco_power@ig.com.br

Gostaria de saber se vocês fazem e por quanto fica essa tatuagem no genital. Obrigado, aguardo retorno imediato, antes que eu perca a coragem de fazer novamente."
Denson: deco_power@ig.com.br

Orçamento da tattoo Fênix
"Bom dia Srs.
Estou muito interessada em fazer uma tatoo, é uma fênix que eu vi no site.
Eu gostaria que ela tivesse no máximo 12 cm isso é possível?
Em média qual o valor?"
Monica: Monica.Silva@mtel.com.br
Estou muito interessada em fazer uma tatoo, é uma fênix que eu vi no site.
Eu gostaria que ela tivesse no máximo 12 cm isso é possível?
Em média qual o valor?"
Monica: Monica.Silva@mtel.com.br
Orçamento, dragão nas costas
"Gostaria do orçamento desta tattoo, formas de pagamento etc. No lugar das libélulas seriam sakuras e o dragão olhando para frente
Local: perna
Dimenção: 30 cm altura x 15 lcm argura
Obs: Tattoo colorida"
Erick: erickeumemo@gmail.com
Local: perna
Dimenção: 30 cm altura x 15 lcm argura
Obs: Tattoo colorida"
Erick: erickeumemo@gmail.com
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Mirror, Mirror.
Some ideas are undercurrents in our collective unconscious.
Like an underground river we all slip-and-slide through while we dream our days away. Like The Goonies. It's always (all of) our time, down here.
These ideas seem to coalesce at certain times, and they endure because they were there all along.
Archetypal figures in fairy tales are such ideas.
I present to you a lovable and dark little sea-urchin of a fairy tale.
Offering #2
Excerpt: (Click the story title for the full length story)
"After dinner, Gretl starts the fire; she likes to watch things burn. The rest of them know not to bother her but sit, talking, sewing, sharpening knives. All in a circle, each more beautiful than the last, the way leopards are beautiful, or the very best swords."
Orçamento, Breathe Tattoo
eu quero fazer uma tatuagem como esta da foto, no pulso esquerdo, só que eu quero um pouco menor.
Tem como me informarem o preço?
Aguardo uma resposta.
Bárbara: barbiie_rodrigues@yahoo.com. br
eu quero fazer uma tatuagem como esta da foto, no pulso esquerdo, só que eu quero um pouco menor.
Tem como me informarem o preço?
Aguardo uma resposta.
Bárbara: barbiie_rodrigues@yahoo.com.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
A slight change of direction.
After my first few posts, a couple things are clear:
1. I underestimated how addictive blogging is.
2. Everyone who has visited my runt of a beginner's attempt at blogging has made me appreciate the human race more than before.
This with only a week's experience, and with a blog smaller than most. It has been eye-opening to say the least! I've learned so much from blogs that I get to from my comments - from new cars and music, to beautiful photography and backgrounds, to enlightening science articles and dreams. I am humbled by the internet, and by the sheer coolness of those who have visited me so far.
So while the paint is still wet in my shoebox-sized blog cabin, I want to shift things to bring content that more people will enjoy more often.
Because hey, no one - not even me - wants to read what I churn out all the time.
From now on I will be sharing links to web publication of fiction and poetry, an excerpt from said link, and a small review from me. I'll still put out my own stuff, every other post or so. Also, these links will not have linkbucks or any other advertising between you and the content.
Offering #1
Excerpt (click the poem title for the full length poem):
My biggest fear:
walking into a silent black room
flipping a switch & finding
someone staring back at me
Langston Kerman is clearly a gifted poet. With this short poem he opens up your subconscious, calls up your childhood, and flashes chilling sense-memories through your mind with ease. He then pushes all of that into the present and future. With a kind of nostalgic sadness that many writers would fumble, he gets it all right.
Orçamento, tattoo alfabeto
estou querendo fazer uma nova tattoo, segue o desenho. Gostaria de saber mais ou menos o valor?
Sobre o tamanho, gostaria que fosse mais ou menos 20 cm.
Aguardo retorno."
Sabrina: sgotelip@hotmail.com
estou querendo fazer uma nova tattoo, segue o desenho. Gostaria de saber mais ou menos o valor?
Sobre o tamanho, gostaria que fosse mais ou menos 20 cm.
Aguardo retorno."
Sabrina: sgotelip@hotmail.com
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Someone needs to write the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Seven Seas.
Today I was thinking, daydreaming perhaps, about escaping across oceans.
I've no idea how to do it, so someone needs to write a guide.
I don't want to be a stowaway, I just want to pay my way to exotic locales with honest labor. Like deckscrubbing. Or whatever it is that boats need done to them. I'm not imagining a sexy boat party, mind you - just hearty voyages where my labor is my ticket.
So that's a good way to introduce myself as any. As Steve mentioned, I really should slow down and say hello.
Well, hello. My name is Aaron. My mind wanders and I have an overactive imagination.
Most of my scrawling is fiction in the fantasy/science fiction cubbyhole. I like to write more than anything else, so that's what this blog is about. The majority of what I write has some anchor in nature, hidden or plain. That's vague, but if you read the poem I posted it is about both hidden and plain natures. If you read my short story below that, same sort of theme.
Keeping this short and sweet! I just have to say something about the blog itself and the people who read this and my other stuff. THANK YOU. From the bottom of my wee-scotty of a heart. I will follow each one of you who has shown me that kindness, and I'll make sure I check out all your blog has to offer. In that vein, I plan on keeping my followings contained for a while at least, so I can really pay attention to what you have to say too. Rest assured though, I will visit each of my followers at least once per day, and check out anything new or re-check out old things.
Now a little poem (really little this time) to stay consistent with my theme. I wrote this the last time I was in Italy. I was staying in a building that was once a 12th century monastery, with floors warped from centuries of monkish foot-traffic. I was staring at the ceiling above my bed, which had the names of monks etched into it, when this popped into my mind.
The tree will lean
And it will fall
Or it will be cut
And so will we all
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Some quick poetry.
Wrote this when I got in my car after working on a Saturday. I just kind of sat there and let the cars and people wash around me, and jotted this down - here it is unedited. I'll stick to short stories usually, I promise.
Oh and before that mess, here's a link to my favorite publication to peruse until my perusers are sore:
The 13th Warrior Review
Oh and before that mess, here's a link to my favorite publication to peruse until my perusers are sore:
The 13th Warrior Review
We're just people, or so I am told
and we think the same about every ocean wave
a glance, and - "oh, they're just waves."
when they crash we might remark on their size or sound
a wave is just a wave, wherever found
Or, is it but a false lid?
An aqueous skin
start to stop, shoved and caressed, shaped by the wind
below, in the dancing light do turtles and whales talk
shrimp and sharks, and other strangers to the air above
we may catch a glimpse, but rarely
of these other lives, languages, memories
if we cast one brilliant beam through just one wave
follow it from innocent ripple to handsome swell
from top to bottom, we'd know a new symphony
notes of exotic fishes and glowing jellies, buried bones and gold
in the deeps, secret vents seed blind nightmares
unexpected shallows, the autumn of coral hints the end
Rushing, bubbles, shocking collapse
and we think the same about every ocean wave
a glance, and - "oh, they're just waves."
when they crash we might remark on their size or sound
a wave is just a wave, wherever found
Or, is it but a false lid?
An aqueous skin
start to stop, shoved and caressed, shaped by the wind
below, in the dancing light do turtles and whales talk
shrimp and sharks, and other strangers to the air above
we may catch a glimpse, but rarely
of these other lives, languages, memories
if we cast one brilliant beam through just one wave
follow it from innocent ripple to handsome swell
from top to bottom, we'd know a new symphony
notes of exotic fishes and glowing jellies, buried bones and gold
in the deeps, secret vents seed blind nightmares
unexpected shallows, the autumn of coral hints the end
Rushing, bubbles, shocking collapse
flattened to an outline in the sand
I surely know it soaks back to feed another
else I might cry; journey's end closed my window with a bang
but now the lid is open
the sky, the sun, the wave - just a wave
invisible elemental skin, curtain to an opera
We're just people, or so I am told
I surely know it soaks back to feed another
else I might cry; journey's end closed my window with a bang
but now the lid is open
the sky, the sun, the wave - just a wave
invisible elemental skin, curtain to an opera
We're just people, or so I am told
First Post - Veni.
This kind of feels like shouting to an empty room right now, so I'll keep it brief. This is my first post, and I'd like it to set a precedent. I'll be using this blog as a way to get my writing out in the world, to get some interested fans perhaps, and hopefully some good critics as well. I'll often be posting story fragments, to see if there is interest, and to gauge where my direction should be.
For my first post though, I choose... why, the first short story I ever wrote. It may not be the best way to say hello to the intertubes, but it seems like a logical starting point.
For my first post though, I choose... why, the first short story I ever wrote. It may not be the best way to say hello to the intertubes, but it seems like a logical starting point.
The Lastborn
Droi sat in the rain with the mountain. Neither spoke. Droi squinted to avoid the big drops handed down by the branches above him and kept his eyes focused on the summit. He drank from a stream that chattered busily about its business of carrying fish and glinting bits of mountain.
They waited this way while the clouds moved off to rumble closer to the horizon; mountains have no cause to talk to anyone; they only do what mountains should, geologically speaking.
A brief explanation: Denver huddles below the Rockies, about twenty years ago. The winter sky was blue-grey, then pink, then orange and black with night and lights. A man and woman meet at a bar, and free with drinks, move across the street. They run between waves of headlights, pour in the hotel door, slosh through the musty lobby, and wake up in the morning with headaches and dry-heaves. He leaves while she is in the bathroom. Nine months later is The End.
The End is Droi. It could not be simpler, but hearing about The End before The End bears explaining, and capitalization: Big T, big E. The Earth said “Enough.” And it was.
A late summer thunderstorm crashed outside the hospital the night Droi was born. He was delivered into darkness, with the booming of nature above, and everyone followed him there.
All cars stopped. Some crashed, more where it was night, but most coasted to a confused stop. Every bit of technology quit. Some people were trapped in awkward places –- elevators, submarines, planes, trains -- and most were allowed to surface or ground before those things stopped forever.
Waterwheels sluiced and firewood crackled -- the pinnacle of technology thereafter.
Nineteen years the world spun, as the mountains moved about and tried to make it right again. Cities were the worst place to be. There was a caring brand of wrath visited on the scared masses of people in cities. Many cities are in the shadow of a mountain, and every city disappeared quickly.
Over a quiet Los Angeles, quiet because guns stopped working, and because things that should explode or burn refused to do so, Mount Whitney stood up with nothing like the form of a human and everything like the form of a mountain that just stood up, and spoke to the people. It said, in tones of gentle earthquakes (because it could, and it was careful) that they should seek homes elsewhere, in places that could take their presence and feel no harm for it. No one was deafened by the words, but a mountain spoke, the air and earth graciously moved, and the command passed to every single human.
Mount Whitney sighed with relief as it began to push out over the nearly endless housing developments, industrial complexes, and the worst –- the deepest scars –- the freeways. All mountains took more time and crushed with greater might as they cleared the tangle of roads and cars spider-webbing the world.
The Worcestershire Beacon, a particularly nice and talkative mountain in Western England, small enough to hear people shout, gave the mountain’s point of view on The End. In the intervening years between then and now it passed to Droi’s ears, and he thought of it as he waited.
The Earth and the entire Universe in general acts as a whole because the parts listen. Most parts, being parts, have no choice, and that extends to every scrap of life except humans. The Earth tried to say without speaking that humans were ruining themselves and everything around them at an alarming rate. Things that could never be recovered were being destroyed, and things that should never be thought of were being created and distributed en-masse. From extinction to deforestation, from cars to nuclear weapons, humans were blindly playing leapfrog with disaster, and disaster was up next, aiming to jump low.
Unknown to us though, the law of conservation of energy is not the only one concerning conservation, and all the laws work together. While a few billion cubic miles of dark matter drifting in a very lonely part of space disappeared, the Earth stopped everything humans were doing beyond technology using natural occurrences (this could be argued, but for lack of a complete definition, The End covered anything that was causing a problem, including the production of humans), while mountains got up, spoke to people in real voices, and moved around crushing and burying the wounds. No one was born after Droi, the seven-billionth, the last.
carbon footprint,
magical realism,
manuscript form,
mother earth,
new blogger,
new writer,
san francisco,
Friday, September 3, 2010
Orçamento, tatuagem Flor de Lotus
"Olá pessoal,
tenho vontade de fazer uma tattoo nas costa, então vendo site de vocês, adorei essa tattoo que está em anexo. Se possível, gostaria de saber mais ou menos qual o valor para fazê-la em tamanho grande nas minhas costas (meu tom de pele é branco).
Fico aguardando resposta."
Carolina: carol_chinchilla@hotmail.com
tenho vontade de fazer uma tattoo nas costa, então vendo site de vocês, adorei essa tattoo que está em anexo. Se possível, gostaria de saber mais ou menos qual o valor para fazê-la em tamanho grande nas minhas costas (meu tom de pele é branco).
Fico aguardando resposta."
Carolina: carol_chinchilla@hotmail.com
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